Wednesday, January 23, 2008

The Lawrensons, Nathan, Tricia & Gwyneth

Meg introduced me to the most amazing blog weeks ago and I have been addicted ever since, checking for updates several times every day. I have placed the link to the Lawrensons' blog on the left side of this page, under links to sites we like, in hopes that everyone will take a chance to visit their blog, read about their journey and be amazed like I am every day I read Nathan's blog or any of the family member's blogs. After reading through their blog (make sure you start at the beginning to understand the past), I hope you will consider adding a link to their blog on your page as well or tell your friends/family about it. Their blog is truly contagious and as you can see from the map, it has spread around the world.


CFHusband said...

Thank you!

Andria said...

They do have an awesome blog.

And now for something totally trivial...I was just visiting your blog to tell you about the "baby countdown" widget I put on my blog -- and I see you have one! Kinda fun, huh. Hope Amy is still feeling good, and that everything's going smoothly with your new house.