Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Results are In...Amy's Pregnant

We are trying to catch everyone up on how we reached Week 16 of pregnancy. We will rewind a few months to the end of our IVF journey.
August 30, 2007--Dr. Robin and her staff successfully transferred two embryos. The two-week wait then began until we found out if the embryos held on tight.
September 13, 2007--Happy Birthday Dad. It was Kevin's dad's birthday and what a great gift we received. We were on our way to install Amy's parent's new kitchen in Advance, NC and had stopped at a gas station in Suffolk, VA. We were expecting the call, but it was after 5pm and we grew even more nervous. It was after 5:00, so did that mean the worst? Inside the gas station, Amy's phone was the New Hope Center. Willa was on the other end, "Congratulations" was all we had to hear and we both fell apart. What great news! So what did we do? We went out and bought a cookie cake decorated to spread the word to all of Amy's family.

After surprising Amy's family with the great news, it was back to Virginia to surprise Kevin's family. It was hard to hold back our excitement so before long everyone would know.

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