Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Weekly Visits Started

Yesterday marked the 36 week milestone. This means that we now go for check-ups every week. It also marked the first pelvic exam on Amy. Leading up to this, I was very excited and nervous. What were they going to say? Would they rush us off to the hospital? Had Amy's Braxton Hicks contractions been preparing her uterus for the next four weeks? So many things going through my head. On top of this, I still have things to do. We finished Birthing Classes last night so I feel like I have been very well educated on what to expect and what to do, but that does not mean I am ready. I wake up in the middle of the night (now a regular occurence) and feel like I am ill-prepared as a parent. I woke up about a week ago and was stressing because I did not know how often a baby's ears had to be cleaned. Since then, I have received my answers, but things like that are keeping me up at night--that plus the fact that I am soooooo excited. I am obviously overly excited and love to have things planned and this is out of my hands. We are getting things done quickly now. The nursery is all set up (just some decorations left to complete)--i will have to post later about the ultimate makeover on my home, courtesy of my mom--we installed the car seat base in Amy's car this past weekend (that was a reality check), the baby monitors are working, etc.

I promise that we will be better at getting things posted soon. We had to replace our Dell laptop a couple weeks ago and we got a MacBook Pro. The learning curve presents another challenge for me, but once I get some time to play with it, i will post some pictures. We have our last shower on Saturday at my parent's house. I can't wait to see everyone there and celebrate Amy and the baby.

So i started this post by saying that it was the first pelvic exam and then i started rambling and did not give you the results. Here they are:
Amy's cervix is 1cm dilated & 50% effaced.
The baby is at a -2 station.
The doctor and our instructor from the birthing class were both very excited & optimistic about this. I was sent into a state of shock. Amy said she looked over at me and my jaw just dropped when Dr. Fontanares gave us the results. It is all becoming so real. Three of the couples from our birthing class gave birth in the last few days. We were talking about it last night on the drive home...last week we saw them in class and they were pregnant and now they have little babies to care for and love. We cannot wait to meet you Mr. Riley, but if you don't mind, stay in the warmth of your mommy's uterus for at least another few weeks.

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