Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Packing our Bags--14 days to go

Well, we are getting the bags packed--just a few last minute things to throw in. The nursery is almost complete, the stroller, car seat, swing, etc. are all put together and have been checked and rechecked to make sure they are safe for our son.
We are now 2 weeks from our due date and it seems like time is flying by. It is all becoming so real, so fast. We can't wait to hold our son for the first time--it will be so amazing.
Today was our 38 week check up. I just got back from this appointment and everything is progressing nicely. Amy is almost 3cm (technically a "loose 2" per the doctor's report), still 50% effaced and the baby is at a -1 station. I had to ask the question today--I knew the answer, but wanted to hear it from her--...Dr. Fontanares, when you are checking this, can you feel his head. She looked at me, smiled and answered, "Yes". Wow...he is that close to entering this world. She then asked me if I wanted to cut the cord. Without hesitation, I told her "Yes". She replied that she had a couple earlier and the wife told her that there was no way her husband could do it. I am hoping I can do it. I am sure at that point, I will be so excited that cutting the cord will be magical.
What does all of this mean? It means that we are overly excited about meeting our son and that day is rapidly approaching. Our next appointment is on Friday 5/16/08. That is ten days away. My guess, as you can see from the list of guesses, is that we will not make it to that appointment. If we do, we will then be 4 days from our due date...we realized this as we stood in the parking lot this afternoon. WOW.

1 comment:

Andria said...

You'll be able to cut the cord! Just be prepared -- Dave said it's kinda tough. You have to cut hard!