Wednesday, February 20, 2008

90 Days to Go

The pregnancy has entered its third trimester. Amy and Baby are still doing extremely well. At the last doctor's appointment on Monday, they did the glucose test and everything came back perfect...Great News for Amy & Baby. We also moved into the next chapter of doctor's visits...we have moved from every 4 weeks to every 2 weeks. All of this combines to add to our excitement and also increases the anxiety level.
I woke up last night looking for our little boy...What you may ask, your little boy is still in the womb. You are correct, but I dreamed of him all last night and these dreams were so life-like that I woke up and found myself looking around like he was there. I won't give you all of the details, but what I saw in the dream makes me even more excited about the arrival of our little boy. He was as gorgeous as his mom. He also had a name. Will it be the name we use? Only time will tell.
Did you know that Dads begin dreaming about their children early in the pregnancy, but in most cases the baby is represented by a symbol and not an actual baby? Moms on the other hand begin dreaming early of the baby, represented by a baby and not a symbol. I learned this from a book that was given to me by a neighbor. The book is "The Expectant Father". I highly recommend this book to all fathers-to-be.
As for our little boy, he is growing even more active as each day passes. He is very long and very strong. We sit around in the evenings just watching him move around. Today we thought we may have seen him with the hiccups. They were a long series of perfectly spaced movements, not like the kicks, rolls, and punches that we are used to. I am not sure if it is too early for his hiccups to be noticed, but it was very neat. Now that you read all of this, here are some pictures of Amy from today.

Isn't she beautiful?


The Posti Family said...

I love watching Amy's belly grow ... girl, you are just too cute! Keep up the good work, the end result is just around the corner!

LuLaRoeMeg said...

New pictures, please! Almost a month has gone by since your last post!